Histamine is a type of amine, a high histamine bucket may worsen histamine/amine sensitivity and also contribute of other sensitivities e.g. food intolerance and also MCAS related.
The Histamine Bucket Theory
Source: https://www.mastcellaction.org/mcas-triggers
This histamine bucket theory is a useful visual aid to help us to understand the impact of factors which contribute to histamine levels. This theory can help us to understand the impact of different activities and situations on histamine levels and therefore, how to reduce this exposure where possible.
You could think of your body as an empty bucket. Different foods and activities fill your histamine bucket at different speeds but combine to form the total level of histamine in your body.
If you can keep your bucket at a lower level, you may feel better because a fuller bucket could mean you have more symptoms. Managing triggers, reducing exposure to known triggers, and taking medication could all help to manage the level of your bucket.
You can download a PDF of this theory to share to help others understand.