Serves 6-8
Verdict by my husband and daughter- Yum, Yum, Yum
- 12 suitable biscuits e.g. Arrowroot , Scotch Finger or Woolworths GF Arrowroot, or GF Scotche fingers, or Orgrans Gluten Free Shortbread Hearts
- 80 g butter (melted)
Blitz biscuits in a food processor until resemble bread crumbs. You can also put biscuits in a ziplock bag and bang them till crushed.
Melt your butter and combine with biscuit crumbs. Press into a baking paper lined pyrex 1.5 litre oblong dish (Or other 1.5 dish) and place in the fridge while you prepare filling
- 395 g can of sweetened condensed milk
- 3 egg yolks (retain egg whites for meringue)
- 2 teaspoons of citric acid
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 2 Tablespoons of water
In a non metalic bowl place filling ingredients (condensed milk, egg yolks, citric acid, sugar, water) and whisk or stir until well combined.
Pour over the biscuit base, and bake for 10 – 15 minutes. Until filling has a skin on it.
- 3 egg whites
- 1/2 cup caster sugar (will work with standard sugar)
While base and filling is cooking whisk egg whites, with a electric beater on the highest setting until soft peaks are formed. Gradually add sugar very slowly, and beat until firm peaks have been achieved.
Pour the meringue mixture on and then spread to the sides with a spatula, make peaks with the spatula.
Put back into the oven for a further 10-12 minutes until the meringue turns a light golden brown on top.
Remove from oven and let cool before serving