• Amines/histamine: Low
  • Glutamates: n/a
  • Salicylates: Very low
  • Amines: No information available
  • Glutamates (MSG):  n/a
  • Salicylates:  Very low

Per Cup

  • Salicylates:  listed as very high RPAH Allergy Unit Moderate to High
  • Amines: Low
  • Glutamates: n/a

Green tea came from China between 4000-5000 years ago. The Chinese
have been drinking green tea for centuries to promote good health. Today, people all around the world have embraced the health benefits of green tea and it is now the second most popular beverage in the world. The many antioxidants found in green tea are retained during processing. This is because, unlike other teas, green tea is not fermented. Green tea does contain some caffeine and should therefore not be drunk all day long.

  • Amines: High
  • Salicylates: high- Very high
  • Glutamates (MSG):  Natural
  • Low GI < 55

  • Salicylates: Safe/negligible amount
  • Amines: Low
  • Glutamates (MSG): n/a