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Swede And Carrot Mash with…

Roast Chicken, Lamb or Steak and green beans

Lamb Rissoles and green beans


  • 500 grams carrots  peeled and cut into 2cm dice
  • 400 grams Swede, peeled and cut into 2cm dice (fresh and young swede – about 2 small)
  • 1-2  tbsp  suitable DF Spread e.g. Nuttelex 
  • Salt for seasoning


  1. Place carrots and swedes in a large saucepan of cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 30 min or until cooked. Drain and return half the vegetables to pan and cover to keep warm.
  2. Place remaining vegetables into a food processor and pulse until smooth. Add butter and nutmeg and pulse for 30 sec until combined. Season to taste with salt.  Return puree to the pan and stir to combine. Transfer to a serving dish. Garnish with chopped chives, if desire

  Optional add 1/4 tsp of NUTMEG (S)  prior to mashing (Simpler – liberal salicylates)

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