Serves 4
- 8 Celery Stalks – sliced 2-3 cm at an angle (retain celery leaves)
- 1 leek sliced white part only
- 30g butter (or suitable DF alternative)
- 1 garlic clove, finely chopped or minced
- 1 cup of chicken stock (or suitable vegetable stock)
- 1/2 teaspoon citric acid
- Salt for seasoning
Gently melt the butter in a frying pan.
Add the celery and leek and turn in the butter. Add the garlic and stir throught. Add Stock and citric acid turn up the heat to a simmer/low boil and cook, while stirring, until the stock has reduced by half.
Pop on the lid and turn the heat down to low. Gently braise for around 25 minutes.
Just before serving, turn up the heat a bit until the liquid turns into a syrup.
Season with salt
Chop and stir in celery leaves just befor serving
Recipe Source: recipe inspired by Braised Celery Recipe fount at (source of picture). Adapted to be low chemical ie low in salicylates, amines and glutamates.